Robert van den Bosch
5th Dan Aikikai Aikido, LMA 3 Teacher,
He started with aikido in 1985 at the age of 15 in the dojo of Bacas sensei (6th Dan) (1938-2006) and was seized by the physical training without a lot of muscle power.
In 2006 he met Hironobu Yamada sensei, (8th dan) who, is a longtime student of Tada Sensei (9th Dan). Under the guidance of Yamada Sensei, Robert went on exploring and training aikido and continuing with his development and further understanding of Aikido.
He started teaching Aikido to children in 1994. Few years later he became a regular teacher to adult groups in dojos in The Hague, Rotterdam and Rhoon.
For him, teaching is a privilege, where you get the possibilities to share your knowledge and to get the reflexion from many people. Like in a mirror, but then not with one reflexion but many.
Robert trains regularly and takes part in both national and international Aikido seminars. He is a regular visitor at Hombu dojo and Gessoji dojo (Tada Shihan) in Tokyo and Hokusou Aikikai in Chiba Prefecture, where he travels yearly to practice.
In addition to Aikido, Robert is practising Kyudo (Heki ryu Bishu Chikurin Ha) and Zen, and has briefly studied Jodo, Iaido and Katori Shinto ryu.
He teaching Healing Tao as Basic-instructor and GevoelsBewust Bewegen as a physical therapist.
Robert has a degree in building engineering and works as IT-professional.